Filtering unique values or remove duplicate values

Today, we will see how to filter unique values from a column. Also let’s check out how to remove the duplicate values from a column. You have several ways to filter out unique values or remove duplicate values in Excel: To filter for unique values, use the Advanced command in the Sort & Filter group on the Data tab. To…

Using Session state in ASP.NET Application

Today I will discuss how to use Session state in ASP.NET Application, Session state is very important and useful feature which is most commonly used in every ASP.NET web application. As we know HTTP is stateless protocol i.e. each request is an independent transaction and it does not maintain or preserve data during each page…

Copy visible cells only

If you are wondering what is the shortest way to copy visible cells only? Not using vba? Then you will find out how to do it in this article. By default, Excel copies hidden or filtered cells in addition to visible cells. If this is not what you want, follow the steps in this article…