Global.asax in ASP.NET

Today I am going to discuss about Global.asax file. What is Global.asax? The Global.asax file is optional file for responding to application-level and session-level events raised by ASP.NET. Using this file we can store variables that will be available through requests and sessions. It is also known as the ASP.NET application file. Its origin can…

How to insert/update/delete in gridview (CRUD)

Gridview is the most basic and important control to display data in dot net based application. I have been using this control from very long time in many of my projects it may be windows or web based applications. Many of you will also agree that this is “bread and butter” of any applications. But…

Using Session state in ASP.NET Application

Today I will discuss how to use Session state in ASP.NET Application, Session state is very important and useful feature which is most commonly used in every ASP.NET web application. As we know HTTP is stateless protocol i.e. each request is an independent transaction and it does not maintain or preserve data during each page…